Connection & Contribution

SET High students hug each other, embracing their similarities and differences- every student has something to offer.

Connection & Contribution

We’re not your typical high school. The School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High) encourages our high school students to find their hidden passions because embracing everyone’s uniqueness is part of our MO. 

SET High is a WASC-accredited, tuition-free public charter high school in San Diego with a 12:1 student to teacher ratio. Our unique electives, passion projects, and hands-on learning style make SET High the ideal learning environment for 9th – 12th grade students to gain scholastic and emotional intelligence, and to fully realize that everyone has something to offer.

You’re Simply The Best

Here at SET we believe every one of our students has unique talents and hidden passions. Our campus culture of inclusion and compassion inspires students to find and develop into their best selves…while achieving academic excellence. We find that once students’ uncover their true passion and potential, they are much more engaged and personally invested in their own individualized learning journey. They also learn compassion and understanding.

It’s our role as educators to lead by example. We too share our passions through the unique electives we create and teach, and we devote extraordinary time and energy to encourage and support every student on their personal course of self discovery. Together, we teach each other how we can overcome obstacles, work smart, learn from failures, and never give up.

Contribution & Connection, Connection & Contribution

We learn a lot about ourselves when we work with others. While we support students to uncover their hidden passions, we embrace their uniqueness and we might find we have things in common. This gets amplified when we bring in speakers to help illuminate and inspire our students. Through our passion projects and service-learning, everyone on campus finds their positive purpose as a member of society. At SET we believe it’s important to teach these life and entrepreneurial skills necessary to be successful in anything and everything after high school. We call these the H-P requirements, as in, going beyond the standard A-G

You’re down with H-P?

  • Hypothesis-driven Learning
  • Ideation and Innovation
  • Judiciousness
  • Kindness
  • Leadership
  • Mentorship
  • Narrative Building
  • Opportunity Recognition and Analysis
  • Passion-Purpose-Performance

When we combine individual, experiential learning journeys with our service-learning model, students not only learn more about themselves than they expected, they realize our common humanity. Again, everyone, including those in our community, has something to offer.

We believe understanding how we are unique, use our passions to contribute, and find common ground is essential to high school education, personal life and professional careers. At SET we are looking for a new generation of leaders with the mindSET to change the world for the better. Are you who we are looking for? Let your curiosity guide you and enroll in SET today! We can’t wait to see what you have to offer.

About SET High 

SET High offers each student individual attention from multi-talented, highly qualified teachers. Students build a healthy camaraderie with classmates inside an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out individual talents and personality, helping develop character and direction in life. With a wide variety of electives, flexible scheduling, dual enrollment college classes and more — our students regularly exceed academic and personal expectations. Enrolling now!