Enrollment FAQs

Freshman Enrollment FAQs

Do I have to live in a certain school district in order to attend SET High School?

No, SET is a charter school, which means you can enroll in our school no matter where you live.  We have students that commute as much as two hours daily, just to attend.

How much does it cost to attend SET?

SET is tuition-free public school that operates much like a private school.

Do I need to take a test to get into SET?

No, SET is a public school that educates all high-school-aged students.

What’s it like attending a small school?

SET is similar to a private school, with small class sizes and individualized academic support for all learners.

How do I set up a tour to visit SET?

To make a tour appointment, please contact Ms. Carrie Heath at (858) 874-4338 or by email at tours@sethigh.org. All students attending a tour must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. After the tour, if your student would like to experience a day in the life as a SET student, you can schedule a shadow day with Ms. Heath at the front desk.

What happens on a shadow day?

On a shadow day, you will be paired up with a current student ambassador from our school. On the morning of your shadow day, a member of our staff will greet you and introduce you to your student ambassador.   The shadow day will give you a view of a typical day at SET including breaks, lunch and student interactions with peers and staff.  At the end of the day, you will be taken back to the front office to sign out. At that time, you will have the opportunity to meet with the principal or another faculty member to ask any questions you may have.  Please bring a lunch on shadow day.

Before I enroll will I be able to talk to parents whose students attend SET High School?

Yes, absolutely, after your tour and/or shadow day, we can put you in touch with parents whose students attend SET so you can get to know our community.

How do I Enroll?

You can enroll by filling out the incoming freshman enrollment form. Our administration will follow up by email or phone to confirm receipt of your enrollment. SET has openings for 90 freshmen.

How do I know if I have been accepted into SET High?

You will receive an email after enrolling that will give you details on the next steps.  If you do not receive an email for some reason, please contact the school by sending an email to info@sethigh.org or by calling 858-874-4338.

What happens at Registration?

Registration takes place over the summer in July. At registration, students and parents will have a conference with one of our staff members to choose their schedule, hand in required documents and obtain school forms.

What documents must I bring to Registration?

At registration, you will need to bring in a copy of following documents:

  • Proof of current address (water bill, SDG&E bill)
  • Birth certificate
  • Immunization records
  • Final Grades and/or transcripts for any high school level language or math classes you have taken in middle school
  • Attendance records & Disciplinary records

What happens at Orientation?

  • Students can sign up for bus passes and lunch service
  • Students will learn about the various clubs at SET and sign up to participate
  • Students will learn about passion projects
  • Students will learn about sports and be able to sign up
  • Students will review and confirm their school schedule
  • Special Education specialists will be there to answer questions

What happens at freshman retreat?

Retreat will occur during the first week of school and is mandatory for all freshmen.  The retreat is an overnight night trip that takes place in San Diego. The first day is a planned group activity and then the second day is a series of team-building exercises with staff and upper class peer counselors. The retreat is a great way for new students to bond with each other as well as staff, transitioning them into the start of a successful school year.

What is SET’s Block Schedule?

SET’s block schedule allows students to take 8 classes in a year instead of 5. This allows students to take more electives that interest them, take college courses for free during their senior year to earn college credit, to catch up if they are behind, retake classes if credit was not earned and gives more flexibility in their schedule for passion projects.

How are grades determined?

90-100= A

89-80=  B

79-70= C

Any grade below a 70 is considered to be an F.  At SET we are determined to support and motivate students to achieve high grades. If a student starts to fall below a 70, then additional support is given by teachers and our academic coaches to help ensure that students can raise their grades.

How do I sign up for clubs?

Please click on this link to see the clubs that are offered at SET.  Clubs may change from year to year as they are based on student interest and participation. At orientation, each student will have a chance to learn about and sign up for the clubs that interest them.  

How do I get involved in sports?

SET High is a proud member of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), which promotes high school athletics throughout the state, and SET students compete in the Frontier League in basketball, volleyball, track & field, cross country and golf.  At Orientation, students will have the opportunity to ask questions and sign up for sports. Students must be academically eligible to participate.  All athletes must obtain athletic clearance before participating in a sport.  Here is the link https://athleticclearance.com. If you have any questions about our sports program you can email our Athletic Director, Darrell McClendon at darrell.mcclendon@sethigh.org.

If your school does not have a sport that I want to play, then can I still play on a team at my local high school?

No, under CIF rules, you cannot join a sports team at your local school, even if we do not have that sport.  However, if you are interested in participating in an individual sport (swim, drive, crew or tennis) that we do not have at SET, our Athletic Director may be able to make arrangements with one of the local charter schools to participate in their programs, while still representing SET.

How successful is SET at helping students get into college?

We believe that each of our students must take personal ownership of the life they desire beyond SET, fully supported by the Ready, SET, College team and families. We invest significant time and passion into our students to help them build their unique mold and identify a university most suitable for their journey of growth. We are here to coach, guide, advocate, and catalyze the college-planning process on an individualized basis, leaving behind the one-size-fits-all approach. We believe that getting SET for college is a four-year process that begins freshman year and is reinforced every step along the way. The Ready, SET, College team empowers students with course selection throughout their time at SET, helps research college options, and provides input and guidance on the completion and submission of applications and financial forms. Our goal is to help our students realize their dreams and gain acceptance to the school that will help them grow and achieve greatness beyond their life at SET. Whether they choose a highly competitive university, a music-repertory school, or a college for the visual and performing arts, we believe in our students and we promise to invest in them to maximize their potential.

What is Coleman Tech Charter High School?

Coleman Tech was the name of our school when it was first founded in 2010.  In 2016, under new leadership, we changed the name to The School for Entrepreneurship & Technology to best reflect the mission that an entrepreneurship-based education harnesses the passions of students, motivating students to achieve at the highest level.