What’s New

What do you know about the “real world”? Have you considered that a free public high school is the perfect place to practice real world life skills before you get there? Get ready to prepare for a brilliant future after high school at the School...

How human do you feel at school? Are your teachers cyborgs or inspiring role models? In education and in the workplace, we believe people matter more than strict rules. At the School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High), our not-so-typical tuition-free public school for grades...

Are you finding your current high school scary? Stressful? Hiding in a massive unbearable institution? We offer you hope from a brave student who switched to our small tuition-free school for grades 9-12. At the School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High) Tiffany found safety,...

What makes a great high school? Awesome teachers who reignite a love for learning. At the School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High), our highly-qualified teachers are empowered to think about and create their L.E.G.A.C.Y. at our tuition-free public school for grades 9-12. These are...