The Right Fit: You & Your Future

A line of The School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET) graduates walk across an outside stone path in red caps and gowns with an ornate stone colonnade behind them. 

The Right Fit: You & Your Future

Does the question “What are you going to do after high school?” sometimes make you feel anxious? Do you have questions about what you want to do or where you want to go or even how to make your dreams happen? Let us help.

At the School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High), a tuition-free 9th-12th grade high school in San Diego we LOVE helping you explore your college and career options by answering all of your questions and offering support and guidance. We want the best future specifically for you.

Are You Ready for College

SET High is invested in each and every student at our school. We offer a personalized education that reflects your passions, igniting (and sometimes re-igniting) a love of learning. For college, we make sure you are tracking California’s UC A-G requirements. We even go beyond and teach the H-P Concepts and Philosophy which build critical thinking, responsibility and our ultimate goal as mentioned above – a lifelong love of learning. We want you to design your own high school journey with exciting passion projects that propel you into your next steps in life.

At our small, close-knit public high school, we also stress that there are no limits to how far you can go in high school. That includes getting college credit right here, for free. Every SET student has access to curated, quality instruction and deeper dives courtesy of dual enrollment with Mesa College. Our students get free college tuition via flexible scheduling of college courses during the SET school day. And feel free to ask us why this is a better option than AP. We’re here to chat! 

We start exploring your future when you start high school. 9th graders take a tailored class called Leadership SET Style. The class is designed to empower student success through the intentional study of self. Emphasizing personal growth and development, this dynamic class challenges students to truly know themselves and to seek understanding of others. This sets the groundwork for becoming a thoughtful, confident leader.

Another way we’re planning with you is our Ready SET College Program. We believe that each of our students must take personal ownership of the life they desire beyond SET, fully supported by the Ready, SET, College Team and families. The Ready, SET, College Team empowers students with course selection throughout their time at SET, helps research college options, and provides input and guidance on the completion and submission of applications and financial forms. 

Your One and Only Future

We are proud of our non-one-size-fits-all approach at SET. Our California Distinguished School is here to coach, guide, advocate, and catalyze the college planning process on an individualized basis.

SET invests significant time and passion into helping identify a university or career path most suitable for your journey of growth. Not sure how college could help you with your dreams of TikTok superstardom? Ask us! Worried about sealing your fate with a specific pre-med program, not to mention taking a “wrong” class in high school? We’d love to weigh the pros and cons with you.

It’s this personal approach that sets SET High apart. Erik Strahm, a SET parent of graduating twins this year, said it was because of how connected the school was with both of his children that made such a difference. Over these past four years, SET teachers and staff had conversations with his kids regarding their future. They asked questions that provoked the boys to research what they wanted. Ultimately, when it came to making the right college choice specifically for them, “our kids made up their minds because of trusted relationships with SET faculty and staff.” 

Our goal is to prepare you, our students, to realize your dreams and gain acceptance to the school that will help you grow and achieve greatness beyond today. Whether you choose a highly competitive university, a small music repertory school, or a local trade school, you will have our whole-hearted belief in you. And! Our promise to invest in you as your own person –  to maximize your potential. Maybe we discuss the benefits of a large public university or the intimacy of a smaller school but in the end, it’s about what is the best choice for you as the amazing individual you are! 

Strahm also stressed how SET helps students grow their social and emotional intelligence. He says, “SET is such a diverse campus both in the students and faculty and staff and they work together so well. Both socially and academically, their (students’) best traits were brought out- this brought out a depth of learning, which is super unusual, but usual for SET.”

While we help our 9th-12th graders with college prep classes, offer college application support, and keep up a “what’s going on with your future” dialogue, we know that some of our students will take a different path that doesn’t include college- and we’re here to support this, too. We also know that what you want may change as you make your way through high school and that’s okay! Again, we’re here to help, give advice when it’s wanted and direction if desired. 

Personalized education? Yes. But SET High also offers –and prepares you for– a personalized future. Our WASC-accredited school is enrolling now.

About SET High 

SET High offers each student individual attention from multi-talented, highly qualified  teachers. Students build a healthy camaraderie with classmates inside an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out their talents and personality, helping them develop their individual character and direction in life. With a wide variety of electives, flexible scheduling, dual enrollment college classes and more — our students regularly exceed their academic and personal expectations. Enroll now