28 Jun 3 Ways to Make The Most of Summer Vacation
School is going to be out for summer in 3…2…1… And you think your work is done, do you? Consider this reprieve in between semesters as the ideal time to reset. We leaders of the School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High) have a few wise words to share before you leave our tight-knit free public high school campus.
1. Solidify Knowledge vs. Jumping Ahead
Not that your parents/guardians are wrong, per se, to suggest taking some college credits to get SET for life… but may we suggest reviewing and solidifying what you already studied? Flying through courses on hyper alert doesn’t help you retain the knowledge you’ll need to apply in the real world. So take some time to revisit the text books, try solving a few problems, take a few quizzes, and surprise yourself with your building retention skills.
2. Adore Boredom
Amazing life experiences unfold when you unplug, re-engage with your senses and exist in the environment. Wander in the woods. Reset your brain and let your mind unwind. Take it from your elders who enjoyed their formative years without smartphones or the internet. Creative ideas are born from quiet boredom. For example: Dr. Neil McCurdy will share a story of a time when watching glass elevators in a hotel lobby while at a wedding which turned into a light-hearted game, guessing the backstory of hotel guests. This fun banter won the heart of an acquaintance who is now his wife. It’s a prime example of finding magic in boredom.
3. Seriously Reset
Summer vacation is an ideal time to release yourself from the traps of social media and look inside yourself. Who are you? Who are you really? When you put peer pressure aside, quit comparing, and give yourself the time and space for self reflection, you might discover you’re even more awesome than you ever knew. You can learn from failures and set new sights for your future. You have your own joys, ambition, and originality. Love that for yourself.
When you return from summer vacation, we’ll be here to help develop your individual character and direction in life, fuel your learning with passion, and design your personalized learning journey catered to this fresh insight. Happy summer, SET High students! And don’t forget to enroll in your favorite school for Fall 2023!
About SET High
SET High offers each student individual attention from multi-talented, highly qualified teachers. Students build a healthy camaraderie with classmates inside an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out their talents and personality, helping them develop their individual character and direction in life. With a wide variety of electives, flexible scheduling, dual enrollment college classes and more — our students regularly exceed their academic and personal expectations. Enrolling now!