15 Feb The Benefits of a Modified 4×4 Block Schedule
At the School of Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High) we believe in an intensely personal approach to free public high school education. Our students create unique course schedules based on their passions and standards-based requirements. This flexibility gives our students freedom to pursue an education that allows them to thrive, especially considering our productive schedule structure.
More Time To Truly Learn
We operate on a modified 4×4 block schedule. A popular alternative to the traditional 7-8 period school day, this schedule offers numerous benefits for both the students and teachers.
Our students only take four classes at a time and a full year of material is covered in one semester. Students get 90 minutes of instruction time instead of 45-50 each class. This allows students to delve deeper into the material, ask more questions, and spend more time collaborating with classmates.
“We like the block schedule because students have fewer classes that they are taking simultaneously so it helps them focus, and it gives us more time during class to fit in projects,” said Dr. Neil McCurdy, SET High Principal. “In a typical school schedule, the classes are so short that the students would be cleaning up from their project shortly after getting started.”
Making Math Stick
By requiring math to be taken every semester, SET’s modified 4×4 block schedule solves the math problem that other schools face. Typically in a 4×4 block schedule, students struggle with math after taking a semester off the subject.
“Most of our math classes are year-long so that students can get some extra soak time with math, but we do have a couple of acceleration points (Pre-Calc and Calculus, for example) where the student gets two years of math in one year,” explained Dr. McCurdy.
Flexibility For Personalized Learning
The block schedule also gives us a lot of flexibility with scheduling so students can easily accelerate or get caught up as is appropriate for their learning style.
Teachers benefit from our block schedule too. They have more time to plan classes, strategize with colleagues, and offer one-on-one time with students.
Preparing For Their Future
We see this 4×4 block schedule as additional preparation for higher education, since colleges typically follow a four or five class schedule.
If you want to see for yourself how the modified 4×4 block can benefit your high school learning journey, we invite you to schedule a shadow day with us. At SET High we’re proud to be an alternative high school enabling innovators and dream chasers to thrive in an increasingly global, technology-driven society. Are you ready to join us? Enroll at SET High today!
About SET High
SET High offers each student individual attention from multi-talented, highly qualified teachers. Students build a healthy camaraderie with classmates inside an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out their talents and personality, helping them develop their individual character and direction in life. With a wide variety of electives, flexible scheduling, dual enrollment college classes and more — our students regularly exceed their academic and personal expectations. Enrolling now!