06 Feb Top 10 Reasons to Attend SET High
The School for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SET High) is not your typical high school. For starters, SET High is a WASC-accredited, tuition-free public charter high school in San Diego with a 12:1 student to teacher ratio. This enables a personal, safe, and empowering experience for every student. There’s more. Here are our top 10 reasons to attend SET High.
1) California Distinguished High School
We are one of only four California Distinguished High Schools in San Diego county. At SET High students learn and grow, safely and imaginatively. We’re enabling the next generation of makers, business leaders and innovators, big thinkers and big dream chasers.
2) Highly-Qualified and Multi-Talented Teachers
SET High’s energetic and talented faculty and staff serve as the foundation to our student success. We build strong relationships with each student as an individual and create a safe, productive campus culture of inclusion and compassion for all. Our role is to go above and beyond educating students to achieve excellence. We help them discover and develop into their best selves as engaged, empathetic, and curious global citizens.
3) Students Pursue their Passions
Helping our students find and cultivate their individual passions creates a strong foundation for the future. SET High student-led Passion Projects fuel each student’s love for learning while challenging them to follow their curiosity and create something new. We balance each student’s passions with standards-based requirement
4) Close Community
High school doesn’t have to be stressful. Our SET High students love their teachers and love to learn. We foster deeper senses of self as our students of all skills and talents learn together. Students embrace a strong sense of community and protect “the SET Way.” No cliques.
5) Leadership Skills
SET offers opportunities for our high school students to become innovative, creative, compassionate leaders. Students meet challenges head-on, persevere when it’s tough, and test their leadership skills along with their grit and growth.
6) Innovative Elective Classes
We believe passion drives learning, discovery and teaching. Our teachers add to our engaging curriculum by turning one of their passions into a unique elective. Popular electives like All Things Tolkien or Crafting Creations showcase our teachers’ creativity, while sparking new passions and big ideas in our students.
7) Athletics Programs
SET High is a proud member of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), which promotes high school athletics throughout the state. SET students enjoy basketball, volleyball, track & field, and cross country. Students can also join a variety of clubs including bowling, rocketry, robotics, military meetup, mock trial, ASB, yearbook, and Newsday Tuesday.
8) Flexible Schedules
We run what we call a modified 4×4 block schedule. Students only take 4 classes at a time- a full year of material is covered in one semester. We like the block schedule because this helps students focus, and there is more time during class for projects. This also prepares our students for the typical college class schedule.
9) Dual Enrollment with Mesa College
Our flexible scheduling carries over to our honors courses and dual enrollment with Mesa College. Every student has access to curated, quality instruction and deeper dives. Dual enrollment = free college tuition! Ask us why this is better than AP.
10) Year-Round Enrollment
We want SET High to be a great fit for your student. We enroll and accept students any time of year and offer tours or shadow days to enable students and parents to see our close-knit, small public high school with their own eyes.
At SET High, our flexible approach to high school gives our students independence to pursue an education that is meaningful and personal.. Whether they choose a highly competitive university, a technical training, or a college for the visual and performing arts, our students receive our full and unending support to maximize their potential. Find out more, today! We’re enrolling.
About SET High
SET High offers each student individual attention from multi-talented, highly qualified teachers. Students build a healthy camaraderie with classmates inside an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out their talents and personality, helping them develop their individual character and direction in life. With a wide variety of electives, flexible scheduling, dual enrollment college classes and more — our students regularly exceed their academic and personal expectations. Enrolling now!