Nicky & Me: SET High’s New Podcast

A podcast picture showing a headshot sketch of Ms. Nicky Geis and Dr. Neil McCurdy of the School of Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET) High with the words “Nicky and Me” in blue at the bottom.

Nicky & Me: SET High’s New Podcast

You’re right, we are talking about you behind closed doors.

At the School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High), a tuition-free 9th-12th grade high school in San Diego, we often have moments when we’re talking and we wish all our students could hear what we are saying because it’s all about you. Then we realized, wait!  We live in the Great Podcast Era so why not make one! 

Why a High School Podcast

About once a month, our WASC-accredited school releases a new episode on our podcast Nicky and Me. Principal Dr. Neil McCurdy and Assistant Principal (and winner of the San Diego County Outstanding Teacher Award!) Ms. Nicky Geis sit down together and talk about current issues affecting students and our school. 

Discussing how the idea of a podcast came to be in Episode 1, Ms. Geis says,  “We have some really great conversations about our goals and what we want for our school and in doing so we realized that there are some things that other people could probably benefit from whether that be our own students, our parents, or anyone just trying to get some insight and advice on all things education and even beyond that. I think it’s just that we want to help people…and be of service to the students and parents and everyone else who may need what we have to offer.”

Dr. McCurdy added, “The whole Nicky and Me idea started because you (Nicky) were learning the ropes (as assistant principal) and we were talking about the vision of the school now and going forward so we just kinda jokingly called it the Nicky and Me Meetings…it felt like magic when we were having those conversations.”

That magic also happened with students in the room. Dr. McCurdy says, “I don’t even remember what the topic was but we had a kid sitting in the chair that I’m sitting in right now- and we just had the most amazing conversation and I was like, the whole school should’ve heard this!” 

“We want to have parent and student info sessions but one of the frustrating things in a school is trying to schedule these events,” Dr. McCurdy explained. He realized he could use the podcast as a way to reach out and not have families return to school after a full day- they could just listen in when they wanted. 

Alternating more of a “tips and tricks” podcast with ones that identify more of a struggle is a balance we’re trying to reach with our podcast. You may think the straight-A student has it all figured out but it turns out, sometimes they need help too. Likewise, just because you don’t know much about college doesn’t mean that college isn’t for you. We want to bridge any gaps students might have.

Behind the High School Scenes

SET High uses our podcast to demystify and share behind the scenes of running a school. We pride ourselves on being as transparent as possible but sometimes that gets left out in our everyday routine. For example, in Episode 2, we talk about attendance and mental health. Why? Attendance is a big deal in part because you can’t learn if you’re not here and because schools get money based on how many students show up. 

Dr. McCurdy explains in the episode that SET High approaches attendance by figuring out ways that attract students to school. We make course offerings relevant and fun while also fulfilling California’s UC A-G requirements. We rotate an amazing array of electives, like Leadership SET Style, Aerospace Engineering, and Graphic Novels. We offer variety too. We have traditional sports you can play like basketball and track and field, but on the podcast Dr. McCurdy and Ms. Geis talk about how we also offer boxing and Jiu Jitsu classes. 

Another way we encourage students to make it to school is by developing and exploring a passion project. Use our maker’s space and Study Lounge– they’re there for you! You can also be involved in clubs. Heck yes you need to come to school when you’re the reigning ping-pong champion or there’s going to be a debate in the SET Senate about eating lunch off-campus. 

As for mental health, you have to feel mentally stable to want to come to school. 

“There’s lots of intention when it comes to the staff we hire on this campus. It’s our desire that every student has one adult that they feel connected to, that they feel gets and understands them.” Ms. Geis says at one point in the episode to Dr. McCurdy.

Dr. McCurdy agrees. “We have just about every personality on our staff so that there’s somebody for everybody.”

Continuing the behind-the-scenes theme in Episode 3, Dr. McCurdy and Ms. Geis reflect on SET High being a California Distinguished School as they drive back from the awards ceremony. The cheeky title of the episode is “SET Wins Award for the Wrong Reasons” and the school leaders discuss that while they are honored to earn the award, they aren’t sure the criteria were all that great. 

Current Issues

The latest episode of Nicky & Me focuses on the very timely theme of Cell Phones in Schools. Should we allow them or have students check them in when they come into school? It’s complicated and Ms. Geis and Dr. McCurdy explore both sides in a conversation that feels like you’re sitting in the middle of this new debate. Just like we want you to be.

Get the scoop on SET High from our new podcast “Nicky and Me” here. It’s not too late either– SET is enrolling now for select grades.

About SET High 

SET High offers each student individual attention from multi-talented, highly qualified  teachers. Students build a healthy camaraderie with classmates inside an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out their talents and personality, helping them develop their individual character and direction in life. With a wide variety of electives, flexible scheduling, dual enrollment college classes and more — our students regularly exceed their academic and personal expectations. Enroll now