3 Ways SET High Prioritizes People

SET High teacher, Ms. G, shows her inviting excitement with a student in her office.

3 Ways SET High Prioritizes People

How human do you feel at school? Are your teachers cyborgs or inspiring role models? In education and in the workplace, we believe people matter more than strict rules. At the School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High), our not-so-typical tuition-free public school for grades 9-12, we just might be crazy enough to think we can change the world, one innovator at a time.

1 – Our Mission…And We Choose to Accept It

WASC gave SET High glowing reports on their last visit, remarking how impressed they were with our school culture and campus-wide belief in our mission, “…to prepare students to thrive both personally and professionally in an increasingly global, technology-driven society.” We credit our energetic and passionate faculty and staff for the reason the entire SET High campus is on board with this. Together we foster a positive school culture built on human connection so our students receive meaningful, personal education that allows them to thrive. 

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs, Apple

2 – For the Good of the Collective 

SET High develops the next generation of innovators, creators, and change-makers. Let’s face it, few geniuses are known for strictly following the handbook. We ask questions and understand what’s going on and how to help each other, rather than blindly discipline. 

For example: if two students show up five minutes late for Robotics class because they were helping another student solve a big math problem, do they deserve detention? 

3 – Passionate Teachers

SET High’s energetic and talented teachers go beyond educating students to achieve excellence. They are encouraged to create and teach electives based on their passions, too. When our teachers feel supported as the complex talented human beings they are, with full lives and caring hearts, everyone wins. Our teachers love their career, students love to learn, and the school shines as a California Distinguished School. This is one way our teachers leave their legacy, and they welcome this responsibility.

Would you like to join a school where teachers and students have agency to make a positive difference? It’s not too late to switch schools. Enroll where you gain the power of connection – switch to SET High today!

About SET High 

SET High offers each student individual attention from multi-talented, highly qualified  teachers. Students build a healthy camaraderie with classmates inside an intellectually rigorous environment that brings out their talents and personality, helping them develop their individual character and direction in life. With a wide variety of electives, flexible scheduling, dual enrollment college classes and more — our students regularly exceed their academic and personal expectations. Enrolling now!