Past Ventures

May Matters

May Matters

In May 2018, SET High began a new community service and fundraising tradition called MayMatters. This schoolwide initiative invites students and their friends and family to participate and demonstrate two key pillars of SET High–entrepreneurship and social responsibility.

Social Venture Sandbox

Social Venture Sandbox

Under the leadership of SET faculty and board members, the SET Social Venture Sandbox was intended to inspire the next generation of business leaders and social entrepreneurs.

We Have Your Back

We Have Your Back

Thank you so very much for your donations and support for the WE HAVE YOUR BACK: Galveston Initiative. Almost 300 backpacks were delivered to students attending Odyssey Charter School in a vehicle generously donated by Hertz in San Diego. The delivery of our community-donated, student-assembled backpacks was celebrated and attended by members of the Coast Guard in Galveston and met with great thanks and appreciation from students and teachers receiving the much-needed backpacks and their crucial supplies.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

SET’s Social Entrepreneurs #kidshelpingkids

Ready SET Soar Hour

Ready SET Soar Hour

The Ready SET Soar Hour highlighted the local entrepreneurial community in San Diego through weekly interviews co-produced by SET students, Ben Isom, Jesse Bowers, and Josef Darvas.