Our Parent Portal page is your one-stop area for pertinent information you will need throughout the academic school year. Please explore our page and if we can help you further just let us know by dropping us an e-mail or giving us a call! To see recent emails that have been sent to our community, click here.
You can help in any way that fits your schedule:
Join a SETPA meeting online or in person
Help plan a community building or fundraising event
Volunteer the day of an event
Subscribe to our newsletter
Orientation documents can be found here.
Parents are encouraged to contribute a minimum of 30 hours per family, per academic year to SET. SET shall maintain a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities including but not limited to the following: volunteering in the classroom/school (including at home assistance); tutoring; attending parent-teacher conferences; attendance at meetings of the following school bodies: SET Board of Directors (as member or observer), ELAC, or any applicable Parent PRIDE functions; participation in the planning of, or attendance at, fundraising or academic/arts events; or other activities upon approval of SET administration.
PowerSchool is a powerful on-line tool for obtaining information about your child. You will be able to review your child’s class schedule, grades, and attendance from any computer that has internet accessibility. Since PowerSchool is a web-based application, it may be accessed from any place the parent/guardian can access the internet. In other words, you will be able to see your child’s progress 24/7.
The PowerSchool application is a secure link that encrypts the data to and from the end user. In addition, a username and password are provided to allow access for only authorized users to the appropriate student record. With single sign-on access, parents/guardians have their own individual parent/guardian account, including username and password. You may create your own account using the appropriate access credentials. Once your account is created, you can manage your account information, link any and all students to your account (for whom you have parental and legal rights to), and set email and notifications preferences for each student linked to your account. If you’ve forgotten your account login information, you can retrieve them by using auto-recovery.
Your student’s advisor will have your students access ID and password. Please contact the correct advisor via email to obtain. Emails can be found under the Staff tab.
A group designed to allow Parents to embrace their Role In the Decision-making and Education of their child and guide SET. This group focuses on strategies and information that strengthen parents’ ability to facilitate their students’ academic achievement and have voice in the development of the school. Held periodically throughout the school year, these evening meetings focus on important information regarding policies, requirements, and events as well as educationally relevant topics to enhance your relationship with SET.
Our parents are a wonderful resource! If you would like to help our school, please complete a Parent Volunteer Form (available in the office) or contact Carrie Heath at carrie.heath@sethigh.org.