Partner With SET

SET is a community asset.

It is owned by the students, the families, the faculty, the leadership–and the community. We welcome and need investments, ideas, innovation, and inspiration from the vibrant, entrepreneurial San Diego community.

Building a cutting-edge, 21st century, “paradigm disrupting” school requires inspired leadership, passionate families and students, and supportive partners—all situated within a culture of collaboration.

Ultimately our success can only be achieved by leveraging the resources of the external community—whether working with corporations investing capital, parents offering time and talent, or universities contributing educational content.

Additionally, an intense focus on educational outcomes punctuates our commitment to our students and the communities in which they will fulfill their purpose—further emphasizing the key element of a nurturing, collaborative environment that underscores our philosophy.

Alone, greatness cannot be achieved. Together, greatness is possible.

At SET that greatness—modeled through a unique educational experience—is more than possible and realized through a school free of time and space constraints and one that incorporates the real-world competencies, knowledge, and experience of our partners.

Please join us as we SET a path to greatness for our kids—the next generation of global leaders!

Please click on the Investment Sheet link below to understand how school funding and academic outcomes can be enhanced through your tax-deductible investment.